ASB 10908


The IRMACS facility also hosts a number of smaller and more intimate meeting and presentation rooms such as ASB 10908, which can seat up to 30 people.  While smaller, venues such as ASB 10908 still have state-of-the-art technologies such as 60 inch plasma smartboards, Apple workstations and video conferencing.

Full Specifications

ASB 10908 Meeting Room - ASB 10908
Seating Meeting room
- Seats 12 - 30
Displays Two "60" plasmas
- smartboards
Computers Apple workstation
Laptop connectivity
Networking 802.11 b/g wireless
Remote Collaboration Video conferencing
- AccessGrid
- H323
- Skype, iChat
Media Playback DVD*
Recording n/a
Digital Overhead ELMO digital presenter*
Whiteboards Fixed
Other Capabilities Laptop display
Stereo audio
Composite video*
USB key plugin

* Available on request